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Shahzeb Fazal


Shahzeb has had a deep fascination with music since he could remember. Living in a household where music was always playing, Shahzeb's ears developed a hunger for not just listening to music but creating it. He would start by taking a band class in middle school where he would blast out plenty of horrid sour sounding notes because it was funny. It wouldn’t be until he discovered the guitar years later and then began to take music a lot more seriously.After deciding that music was the path to carry his future with, Shahzeb took courses at Oakton Community College to learn the basic fundamentals of music and later graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Music from Columbia College of Chicago.

All throughout that time Shahzeb would have a guitar in his hand and was constantly learning and bettering himself as a musician. Shahzeb teaches a variety of styles and instruments at Twelve Tone Music School including keyboard, drums, vocals, bass, ukulele, and guitar.

Shahzeb Website